Every day we straw further and further from God
Not that I believe in God...
Well I actually believe in a lot of Gods, but that is not the point.
Some believe the internet is a miracle to magic (funny expression) and we
are on the best age of all times to learn, practice and develop our
capacities and systems.
Is that so?
The air we breathe is worse by the day and the nature is dying by the minute.
"The internet is full of sacred and occult texts and forbidden knowledge and its our greatest tool, providing what we could never hope to achieve in the past".
Know what the internet is full of? shit, that's what, for every truthful word around here there are 24 lies, not counting the absolutely made up shit some schizos pull of their arses on /x/, believe me, I'm one of them...
In the past it may have been hard to get information, but the books where not holistic interpretations of bad translations made by feminist wiccans, and the teachers where not self-entitled grand-masters of the holy order of whatnot.
There was no bullshit on the good 'ol times then? Of course there was, and plenty, but it was not online, mixed and regurgitated o gorillion times over and over. The introduction points where not always the same 5 first results on google and people from around the world did not interact so often, that way the cultures stayed somewhat pure before mixing up, or at all, not that mixing different cultures is bad, but the one doing it should know a good bit of both of them or else he will inevitably create a an abomination, don't get me wrong, there are plenty of good examples.
"Lets trow our computers out the windows, rip out our clothes, stop using the gay-frog inducing, Jewish created and funded toilet paper and run to the mountains!"
Actually, good idea, not gonna stop you dude, thought I will recommend to those less revolutionary to just grow a little suspicious about things they read on the internet or in good-looking books on the mall bookstore on the section "best selling", or in any other section really.
The point is: Life is the best teacher and you should definitely consider every absurd and obviously bad recommendation before you discard it, because just as there are lies everywhere nowadays, there is also a little truth, even if very little, on everything, like, really everything if you are shizo enough...
And remember: Knowledge Is Power, definitely not power enough, you still need to train hard, but still power.
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